The Annual General Meeting was held at the School on October 1st. 1956. There were about thirty members present.


In her report, the Secretary stated that the Christmas Reunion held on December 28th had been very popular, over a hundred Old Students attending. On March 24th the First Annual Dinner of the Society was held at the Cranford Hotel. About eighty members attended, a very encouraging start for a new function.


The Badminton Club continued to meet and a report appears elsewhere in the magazine.


The report of the Cricket Club was read. This is also printed in the Old Students section of the magazine.


Among decisions taken at the meeting was the fixing of the date of the Christmas Reunion at the School for December 28th, 1956. It was agreed to pursue the question of purchasing crockery for the use of the Society. Final decision was left to the Committee.


The proposal to make available the School Magazine to Old Students for a payment of 5/- per year was carried. For this sum the Magazine would be sent twice a year to those members who wished to receive it.


The award of the Old Students' Prize of £2 2s. 0d. was renewed for the year 1956 - 57.


Officers and Committee for 1956 - 57

President: Mr. L. W. Johnson.

Vice-Presidents (Staff): Miss D. Fleming, Mr. Earp, Mr. Heath, Mr. Walker.

Vice-Presidents (Old Students) : Mrs. Coate, Mrs. Parsons, Miss Tucker, Miss Walrond.

Chairman: Mr. N. R. Grigg.

General Secretary: Miss 1. Wright.

School Secretary: Miss E. M. Tucker.

Treasurer: Miss D. Williams.

Committee: Mrs. D. J. Smale, Miss M. Dean, Miss D. Lee, Miss C. Timms, Messrs. R. Atkinson, R. Buttle, M. Crispin, F. Davey, F. E. S. Finn, J. Greenaway, D. Lee, E. White, D. Willmott