“Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit."


The following appointments have been made for 1956 - 57:


Head Boy: D. Luxon.

Head Girl: Gillian Lawes.

Deputy Head Boy: P. Marlow.

Deputy Head Girl: Susan Mears.

Prefects (Boys): Abbott, C., Brownjohn, Butcher, Hillier, Luggar, Searle, Whitton.

Prefects (Girls): Patricia Bird, Angela Bussell, Vivienne Dunham, Barbara Ellett, Ann Gosney, Beryl Matthews, Iris Nute, Sylvia Swanston.

Captain of Rugby: J. Searle.

Captain of Hockey: Gillian Lawes.

Captain of Netball: Annette Milverton.

House Captains (Boys): Athenians, Searle; Corinthians, Warren; Spartans, Luxon; Trojans, Marlow.

House Captains (Girls): Athenians, V. Dunham; Corinthians, G. Lawes; Spartans, J. Walls; Trojans, M. Crook.


Miss Ash left us at the end of the Summer Term. On behalf of the School we wish her every happiness and success in her new appointment in Norfolk.


We welcome as new members of Stall Mr. and Mrs. Bevan. Mr. Bevan is teaching mainly English, History and French, while Mrs. Bevan is taking Mathematics.

Although plans are incomplete it is hoped that a School party will spend ten days in the Yorkshire Dales during the first part of the Summer Holidays - probably from July 29th until August 7th. Total cost will be about £7 10s. 0d., excluding pocket money. This trip will be open to all boys in the School. Among the trips proposed are visits to the Lake District, to the Derbyshire Dales, to York, and to a local woollen factory, and a steel works in Sheffield.


There will again be a School trip to London during the Easter Holidays to see the Model Railway Club Exhibition. Mr. Collinge will have details available next term.


A visit to Interlaken in Switzerland has been arranged for the Easter Holidays. The party of sixteen boys will leave on April 22nd and return on May 1st. Included in the programme are excursions to Berne, Brienz and Lucerne, a trip by lake steamer to Spiez and Thun, and a trip by funicular up the Harden.


 We are glad to see Mr. Driver back at School after five weeks' illness. Mr. Amos has been looking after Mr. Driver's classes during the last month.