Reorganisation is taking place in the House System in order to widen the scope of House Activities and therefore to bring more pupils into the inter-House Competitions. Further efforts are being made to bring together boys and girls of the same houses, notably by the holding of combined House meetings in school time, attendance at which is compulsory. The first of this series of House meetings, for the appointment of House Captains and officials, took place on Friday, October 4, in lieu of the Junior School Assembly of that day.


Record books are being provided for each of the four Houses.


Most important of all, perhaps, is the new policy of combining the results of the boys' and girls' inter-House Competitions so that there shall be one trophy for the one House that gains most points in all inter-House activities.


This term on the boys' side there are Senior and Junior Rugby XV's in competition, and on the girls' side Senior Hockey and Junior Netball matches. The fixtures are arranged so that the seniors, boys and girls of each House, are playing at the same time, and the same with the Juniors.


A Verse and Prose speaking Competition is also being organised this term by Mr. Finn.


The following members of Stall hold official positions in the Houses, and are giving valuable time and thought to the developing of the new scheme :-


Athenian : Mr. Driver, with assistance from Mr. Carswell ; Miss Bedford ; Miss Ellis.


Corinthian : Mr. Williams, with assistance from Mr. Bevan; Miss Tucker; Mrs. Williams.


Spartan: Mr. Ellis, with assistance from Mr. Finn; Mrs. Bevan; Miss Yelland.


Trojan: Mr. Amos, with assistance from Mr. Millier; Miss Timms; Miss Pocock.





House Masters: Mr. Driver, Mr. Carswell.

House Mistresses: Miss Bedford, Miss Ellis.

House Captains: Searle, Vivienne Dunham.

Games Captains: Searle (Rugby), V. Dunham.




The Senior House Competition was run on a six-a-side knockout basis. In the first round we were drawn against the Spartans, and owing to some fine cricket from Cannon, Newman and Hallett. This match was won by three runs.


We then played the winning House of the other match, the Corinthians; again a good show was put up but we were beaten by eight runs.


These results placed the Seniors second to the Corinthians with three points.


The Junior matches were played as usual. Newman captained the side, and came out top of the batting average with 17.0 runs; Burch was second in the batting averages, and first in the bowling with a fine 3 for 6.


We lost to the Spartons, but beat the Corinthians by 10 wickets, and the Trojans by 5 wickets, giving us second place to the Spartans.


The combined Senior and Junior positions put us 1st equal with Spartans with 6 points.




The House moved up from third to second position this year. A tough struggle between ourselves and Spartans was not finally decided until the Spartans won the three relays. This made them first with 154 points to our 134.


It is good to realise that of the nine records broken on Sports Day, four are now held by Athenians. Brownjohn now holds the Senior Javelin with a fine throw of 147ft. 4in.; P. Smith put the Junior Long Jump up to 15ft. 2in.; Newman made a fine effort and secured the Junior Hurdles, and Burrows ran a fine Intermediate Mile in the record time of 5 min. 17.6sec. We all say congratulations and well done to these boys.


Crowe scored a fine double, winning the Intermediate 100 yds. and 220 yds. sprints.


Once again I thank all who represented the House, or who helped in any way, before or on Sports Day.


The House is indebted to Messrs. Driver and Carswell for all their advice and help during the term. I am glad to see that they will be with the Athenians next year.


For the girls the summer term was certainly one of contrasts. We were placed first in tennis, but fourth in athletics. The Juniors had rounders practices during the term which were usually well supported, but unfortunately no inter-House matches could be arranged.


This year we again won all our tennis matches, the team playing well, especially the third couple who had had little previous experience.


The team was:

Ist couple: V. Campbell, V. Dunham.

2nd couple: N. Nickels, N. Timewell.

3rd couple: D. Widdecombe. M. Brownjohn.



Athenians v. Trojans                                Won 27-18.

             v. Spartans                                  Won 31-14.

             v. Corinthians                              Won 25-20.


Athletics certainly does not seem to be a strong point of the House at the moment, although the Juniors did very well. We were only one point behind the Trojans and with a little more effort, especially from the Intermediates, I feel sure we could get away from the bottom half of the table of results.


We were very sorry to lose our vice-captain, Pat Nickels, at the end of the term. We wish her every success in the future.


On behalf of the House I should like to thank Miss Bedford and Miss Ellis for their unfailing help and support throughout the term. Also I should like to thank Miss Chaffe and the girls who arranged the athletics and umpired the matches.


The Athenian House Mistresses thank Pat for her loyal support and help as Vice-Captain. They wish her and all leavers the best of success in the future.




House Masters: Mr. Beresford-Williams, Mr. Bevan.

House Mistresses: Miss Tucker, Mrs. Williams.

House Captains: Warren, Mary Passmore.

Games Captains : Bastin, Annette Milverton.

Secretary : Mascall.


The Senior Cricket Competition was upset owing to bad weather and so for the House Championship a system of si-a-side cricket was adopted. The House had, however, won one full match against the Athenians. The Seniors were also successful in the six-a-side, defeating the Athenians and Trojans, mainly due to the determined batting of Bastin, Warren and Bannister. In both matches the opposition were unable to score freely and failed to pass our scores.


Those who represented the House were: Bannister, Bastin, Cowd, Denner, Gibson, Kite, Lucas, Hillier, Mascall, Thomas and Warren.


The Juniors unfortunately failed to record any success, and thus in the combined competition the House finished 3rd.


The Juniors were: Baldwin, Lashbrook, Tozer, Pengelly, Horn, Robertson, Thomas. R.


The Boys finished 3rd in the Athletics, thanks mainly to the Seniors. Bastin ran well in the half mile, Bannister jumped well. Thomas won the shot, and a team effort in the mile brought a number of points. In the Intermediates, Lucas was the most successful, and a team of young Juniors tried well against older opponents.


The Girls had a very successful year. For the third year in succession they won the Athletics Shield, and for the second year the House Shield.


G. Lawes, last year's Captain, led well an enthusiastic House and their success was due to the whole House and not just to individuals.




Although the tennis team played very well, they managed to be placed only third in the final positions. The team was as follows:


1st couple: G. Lawes, A. Milverton.

2nd couple: G. Teed, M. Passmore.

3rd couple: M. Howton, R. Hodge.

Reserves: S. Free, A. Cooksley.



                                            v. Trojans                             Lost 24-21.

                                            v. Spartans                           Won 29-16.

                                            v. Athenians                         Lost 25-20.



On Sports Day, the Girls' House competed as a team, but two individuals who do deserve mention are J. Samways and V. Tow, who both did very well. The House was placed first with 141 points. The retiring House captain, G. Lawes, wishes to thank Miss Tucker and Mrs. Williams for their help to the House.


This coming year, the Girls' and Boys' Houses are being combined for the first time. Our new House masters are Messrs. Beresford-Williams and Bevan. The House activities are being extended, and we hope that everybody will contribute something to the House effort.


We hope that by your support, the House will be able to show that all the recent work by our House masters and mistresses will not have been in vain.


The House Mistresses wish to thank Gillian and Sally for their services to the House, and wish them well in their chosen careers.




House Masters: Mr. Ellis, Mr. Finn.

House Mistresses: Mrs. Bevan, Miss Yelland.

House Captains: Wiggins, Judith Walls.

Games Captains: Vemon Roberts (Rugby), J. Walls.




Well done, the Juniors! You managed to win the Junior House competition and pull the Seniors up, thus winning the combined House competition.


The Senior competition was run on a six-a-side knock-out basis. The Spartans were drawn to play the Athenians, but were unlucky to lose by three runs. In the run off for third place, we played the Trojans and managed to win.


The Juniors fared much better in their normal House competition. They scored a decisive victory over the Athenians. The next match against the Trojans was drawn; the last match against the Corinthians was won in overwhelming style. The honours of this victorious team must go to P. Bamsey and P. Luxon who took all the opposing sides' wickets and scored many runs between them.


A keen interest was shown by all, and I hope this interest will continue.




Congratulations to all Spartans! A tremendous effort enabled us to become House Athletics Champions again for the third successive time. The victory was due to co ordination, teamwork and the able leadership of D. Luxon. Team spirit won the Spartans all three relays and showed hope for athletics in the future. A high standard was set on Sports Day and many records were broken, four of these going to Spartans. Mention must be made of all the Bamseys and Luxons as it is noticeable that they won many races between them and were also present in the relays. A good effort was also made by P. Heanley.


I am sure everyone would like me to thank and congratulate D. Luxon for the way in which he captained both the cricket and athletics teams.


I am sure that next year another great effort to put the Spartans on top in sports again will be made, this can only be done with plenty of practice and team spirit. I would like to see all Spartans, turn out for House practice, and support any House team when it is playing.


We should like to thank on behalf of the House our retiring Housemaster, Mr. Andrews, for his enthusiasm and support.


Spartan Girls did not do so badly during the Summer term, and our final position in the House championships for the year 1956 - 7 was 3rd.


Our players made a great effort to win the tennis cup, but met with fierce opposition. Our final position was 4th and the team was chosen from: S. Mears, S. Hudson, F. King, J. Walls, J. Marks, A. Farrant, J. Sentinella and V. Shute.


We were more successful in athletics, coming 2nd with 124 points, 61 of which were gained on "standards". The Juniors did very well in all their events. Stephanie Large in particular, came first in the 100 yards and 150 yards races, and second in the high jump.


The Intermediates must also be congratulated on their fine performance. Barbara Jennison won both her track events and Penny Palmer the 150 yds. The relay team, although they had very little practice, displayed some excellent team work and came second.


The Seniors also tried hard, but were not so successful.


We are all very sorry to lose Miss Bardens as House Mistress, and we are extremely grateful for everything she has done for us. We are also grateful to Mrs. Bevan who has now completed her first year in office. We welcome Miss Yelland this year who replaces Miss Bardens as House Mistress.




House Masters: Mr. Amor, Mr. Miller.

House Mistresses: Miss Timms, Miss Pocock.

House Captains : Squire, Sandra Lethbridge.

Games Captains: Squire (Rugby), S. Lethbridge (Hockey).

Secretaries: Abbott, G., Brenda Hann.


The summer term proved a very disappointing one for Trojans.


There seemed to be a general lethargy in the House which cannot be accounted for. It is encouraging to note, however, that this term has seen a change for the better, and it is to be hoped that the House will continue to “buck its ideas”.




The cricket this year was a sorry affair. The failure of the Senior team which participated in the six-a-side tournament can be partly attributed to lack of batsmen with the ability to score quick runs without losing their wicket -the thing which is the essence of success in this type of game. The layers we possessed seemed much more suited to the less hectic eleven-a-side game, indeed in the one eleven-a-side game played we easily defeated the Spartans. But apart from this sole success, the team showed a general lack of fight. The Junior XI performed more successfully, the three matches played resulting in a win, a loss, and a draw. The Corinthians were defeated relatively easily, Stuart scoring a fine 40 not out. He was the mainstay of the batting with Rowland, and these two shared the bowling honours with Lea (ii) and Pyne, a first-former who showed promise.




On the Athletics field I'm afraid it was the same old story. We were last again. Chapple and Abbott tried hard for the Seniors,


Stuart did well as usual for the Intermediates, and Gaunt also put up a good performance. Amongst the Juniors it was good to note no lack of enthusiasm, and it is hoped they will not lose this commendable spirit as they progress in the School, for it augurs well for the future.


For the Girls the past year was not a very successful one and we were finally placed 4th in the House Championship. I hope we shall make amends for this low position in the coming year.




Our tennis team, which was chosen from B. Ellett, J. Crowsley, M. Crook, J. Anderson, B. Hann, D. Mears, L. Hann and G. Bevan, played well to gain 2nd position.



                                           v. Corinthians Won 24-21

                                           v. Athenians     Lost 18-27

                                           v. Spartans     Won 31-14




We did not score many successes on Sports Day although there were one or two good results, particularly from the Juniors. I think there was a decided lack of interest and effort among the Senior members of the House, which I hope will not persist this year! We were unfortunate in that our school athlete, J. Crowsley, was injured and consequently unable to take part. We were finally placed 3rd on Sports Day.


Finally, I am sure Margaret would wish Brenda and myself to thank Miss Pocock and Miss Timms on her behalf, for their unfailing support and help during the year. We should also like to thank Miss Chaffe and Senior girls for arranging and umpiring matches.


All members of the Trojan House join in thanking Margaret Crook and Sylvia Swanston for their capable and energetic work as captain and vice­captain, and wish them every success in their careers.