The Society, consisting of Fifth and Sixth Year pupils, has
continued to enjoy the fortnightly sessions held on Thursday evenings during
the Autumn and Spring terms. Since certain members of the staff have been
attending instructional classes in Scottish dances there has been a noticeable
increase in the number of new dances from over the border with the poor old
Jimmy Shand long playing record getting more than its fair share of use.
As a climax to the Spring term's activities, a combined 4th,
5th and 6th Year Country Dance Party was held on Thursday, 28th March. Eighty-four
pupils and a number of the staff joined in and enjoyed a really hectic evening.
Those who attended will remember how willing Mr. Finn was to take “leading gent
" in the Eightsome Reel and how his " whooping " and antics gave
a truly Scotch (or was it "Rock 'n' Roll" ?) flavour to the party.
Not to be outdone, the third year also held a Country Dance
Party at which 60 pupils were present.