Most recent update 16 June 2020
North Tyneside Council's - Report Flooding Page
Met Office Weather Forecast for North East
Met Office Rainfall Radar
Real-Time Lightning Map
See if the bad weather is coming in your direction - http://www.metcheck.com/UK/radar.aspThe information on this page has been created by the "Community Flood Warden" for the Grosvenor Estate area of Whitley Bay - Grosvenor Drive, Kings Drive and Queens Drive. The information may be also useful for those households in North Tyneside that are at risk of internal flooding as occurred in June 2012.
Internal Flooding
A diagram of the areas with homes that suffered internal flooding on 28 June 2012 has been provided by North Tyneside Council (NTC) and is shown below. Click on the diagram to display a higher resolution version. (Revised version added 28 March 2015.)North Tyneside Internal Flooding Areas
Sewer Network
Periodic flooding of the east end of Grosvenor Drive occurred due to the blockage of road gullies there, all of which feed into a combined sewer (for both foul and surface water) that is typical of the older town centres in North Tyneside. In the diagram below the red lines indicate combined sewers and the blue, surface water sewers (under Hillheads Road) that feed surface water into a combined sewer.
Local Sewer Network in Grosvenor Drive EastGulley Locations
The diagram below is an extract of the local sewer network and was marked up with the then location of gullies in advance of the clearance of all the gullies in the Grosvenor Estate that took place in September 2012. If residents notice heavy pooling of water over a gulley the blockage can be reported to NTC via the Highways Reporting Form.
Gully Locations in Grosvenor Drive East
Storm and Rainfall Information
Flash flooding can occur during thunderstorms and a useful resource when storms are to be expected is a website that records lightning strikes over the British Isles. The diagram recorded below was for a the day when a "Yellow Alert" was passed on by North Tyneside Council to Community Flood Wardens. Although the alert warned of storms for a 24 hour period, no rain fell. The lightning strikes were concentrated out over the North Sea. Click on the diagram below to open the Lightning Strikes webpage.
Lightning Strikes on Saturday, 19 July 2014 at 5.15 pm